Instructions for a Gathering

A book of poems and art intermingling the flora and fauna of the Camino. 

Gatherings from the natural world to celebrate what remembers and is remembered. 


HONESTY (LUNARIa ANNUa): St Jean Pied de Port

Begin with your feet—half open—

not like a prayer,

but somehow tendered

for veneration.

Walk first, to the door, then

onto stone;

It is your first day.

Your body wearies

with the thought

of climbing

what will come;

In the night,

one man’s lullaby

kept you awake—

You learned to hear a river in your mind.

This is a place of beginnings,

Also, of endings

Of losings and findings,

Comings and goings;

A man before you plays

a harmonica

from the steps of a church

open to the street

You follow his hands to his eyes;

the nod he gives

of recognition

to another face


holding a staff with feathers;

You gather their weariness

like stones

Begin your walk

under a clock tower

across a bridge

Noticing that

nothing is silent;

Pilgrims sound

beside cars;

Nothing is silent.

You gather that, too.