
In the summer of 2019 I met Barnabé and Casilda, maridos (a couple) living Tosantos, a small town along the pilgrimage route, who have lived and worked in the same small pueblo their whole lives. Now in their 80s Barnabé and Casilda have watched millions of pilgrims pass through their town over the years. They have watched the pilgrimage route shift and evolve, both spatially and socially, to accommodate new types and quantities of journeyers.

The stories Barnabé and Casilda shared with me during my visit have inspired me to begin this project— an interactive memory map-cum-documentary that speaks with and to the preceding pilgrim memory map. This alternative map records the memories and stories of elderly permanent residents living along the pilgrimage route. My hope is that this project will help to more thoughtfully emplace pilgrims within a complex and storied landscape, and that it will inspire new understandings of what sustainable travel means at a time when increased tourism is rapidly changing the ways people inhabit and experience places.